The REGO12 is a power factor controller with 12 output relays in 144×144 mm size. Thanks to the RS-485 connection the REGO12 can exchange data with other network-connected DUCATI energia instruments, and it also perform measurement and acquisition of data, to be transmitted and stored in a PC. The programming algorithms allow the completely automatic recognition of the CT direction and the phase on which is installed the TC, to avoid any possible installation errors.

DUCATI Smart Energy is the App that allows configuration, updating and control of the status of the R5, R8 and R14 series controllers via NFC (standard on all models) and Bluetooth (R8 models with Bluetooth option). To download the App you just need to activate the NFC sensor of your android smartphone and bring it closer to your controller’s display or click on the link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=it.ducatienergia.smartenergy
Follow the instructions in the DOWNLOAD_INFO.pdf file to download the APP directly from the DUCATI energia FTP site.